var gameState = require('./gamestate'); const PHYSICS_FPS = 30; var GRAVITY = 9.81; // m/s^2 GRAVITY/=3; const GRAVITY_MS = GRAVITY / 1000; // m/ms^2 const HOVER_PROP_SPEED = 3; const MIN_PROP_SPEED = -3; const MAX_PROP_SPEED = 10; const DRONE_THRUST_PER_PROP_SPEED = GRAVITY_MS / HOVER_PROP_SPEED; const PROP_CTRL_MS = 9000; // Time to go from min to max by holding down the control const PROP_CHANGE_PER_MS = (MAX_PROP_SPEED - MIN_PROP_SPEED) / PROP_CTRL_MS; const PHYSICS_MS = Math.round(1000 / PHYSICS_FPS); const JUMP_VELOCITY = 1; // m/s const DRONE_SENSITIVITY = 0.01; // rad/s/s const DRONE_SENSITIVITY_MS = DRONE_SENSITIVITY/1000; // rad/s/ms const DRONE_STABILITY_FACTOR = 2/3; var BABYLON = null; import('@babylonjs/core').then(i=>BABYLON=i); // Update game state at approximately 30 FPS setInterval(updateGameState, PHYSICS_MS); function updateGameState() { var deltaT = PHYSICS_MS; gameState.timestamp =; // Apply control physics Object.values(gameState.clients).forEach(client => applyControlPhysics(client, deltaT)); // Apply physics to all models Object.values(gameState.models).forEach(model => { if (model.type === 'human') applyHumanPhysics(model, deltaT); if (model.type === 'drone') applyDronePhysics(model, deltaT); }); } function applyControlPhysics(client, deltaT) { const model = gameState.models[client.controllingId]; //console.log('control model',model); if (!model) return; if (model.type === 'human') applyHumanControlPhysics(client, model, deltaT); if (model.type === 'drone') applyDroneControlPhysics(client, model, deltaT); } function applyHumanPhysics(model, deltaT) { // Apply gravity -= GRAVITY_MS * deltaT; // Apply movement model.x += model.dx * deltaT; model.y += model.dy * deltaT; model.z += * deltaT; // Apply walk slowing var backthrust = 0.1*GRAVITY_MS; var velocity = Math.sqrt(model.dx*model.dx+model.dy**; var nx = model.dx/velocity; var ny = model.dy/velocity; var nz =; var backx = -nx*deltaT*backthrust; var backy = -ny*deltaT*backthrust; var backz = -nz*deltaT*backthrust; if(backx>model.dx) { model.dx=0; model.dy=0;; } else { model.dx=backx; model.dy=backy;; } // Prevent going below ground if (model.z < 1.8) { model.z = 1.8; = 0; } } function applyDronePhysics(model, deltaT) { // Apply gravity //console.log('pre physics',model); // Apply thrust if(BABYLON) { -= GRAVITY_MS * deltaT; const thrust = model.propSpeed * DRONE_THRUST_PER_PROP_SPEED; const thrustVector = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, thrust, 0); const rotationMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(model.yaw, model.pitch, model.roll); const rotatedThrustVector = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformNormal(thrustVector, rotationMatrix); //console.log('prop vector',rotatedThrustVector); model.dx += rotatedThrustVector.x * deltaT; model.dy += rotatedThrustVector.z * deltaT; += rotatedThrustVector.y * deltaT; //console.log({gravity:GRAVITY_MS*deltaT,thrust:rotatedThrustVector.y*deltaT}); } // Apply movement model.x += model.dx * deltaT; model.y += model.dy * deltaT; model.z += * deltaT; model.pitch += model.dpitch * deltaT; model.yaw += model.dyaw * deltaT; model.roll += model.droll * deltaT; //console.log({}); // Apply drag (air resistance) //const dragFactor = 0.1 * deltaT; //model.dx *= (1 - dragFactor); //model.dy *= (1 - dragFactor); // *= (1 - dragFactor); //model.dpitch *= (1 - dragFactor); //model.dyaw *= (1 - dragFactor); //model.droll *= (1 - dragFactor); //Apply linear drag var velocity = Math.sqrt(model.dx*model.dx+model.dy**; if(velocity) { var drag_coef=500; var dragForce = drag_coef*velocity*velocity; var dragForce_ms = dragForce/1000; var nx = model.dx/velocity; var ny = model.dy/velocity; var nz =; model.dx-=nx*dragForce_ms*deltaT; model.dy-=ny*dragForce_ms*deltaT;*dragForce_ms*deltaT; //console.log({velocity,drag_coef,dragForce,nx,ny,nz,deltaT}); } //Apply rotational drag const rotationSpeed = DRONE_STABILITY_FACTOR * DRONE_SENSITIVITY_MS * deltaT; if(model.droll>0) { model.droll-=rotationSpeed; if(model.droll<0) model.droll=0; } else if(model.droll<0) { model.droll+=rotationSpeed; if(model.droll>0) model.droll=0; } if(model.dpitch>0) { model.dpitch-=rotationSpeed; if(model.dpitch<0) model.dpitch=0; } else if(model.dpitch<0) { model.dpitch+=rotationSpeed; if(model.dpitch>0) model.dpitch=0; } if(model.dyaw>0) { model.dyaw-=rotationSpeed; if(model.dyaw<0) model.dyaw=0; } else if(model.dyaw<0) { model.dyaw+=rotationSpeed; if(model.dyaw>0) model.dyaw=0; } // Apply prop speed centering if(model.propSpeed>HOVER_PROP_SPEED) { model.propSpeed-=PROP_CHANGE_PER_MS*DRONE_STABILITY_FACTOR*deltaT; if(model.propSpeedHOVER_PROP_SPEED) model.propSpeed=HOVER_PROP_SPEED; } // Prevent going below ground if (model.z < 0) { //console.log('Hit ground',{z:model.z,}); model.z = 0; = 0; } //console.log('post physics',model); } function applyHumanControlPhysics(client, model, deltaT) { //console.log('applyHumanControlPhysics'); var walkthrust_ms = 0.3*GRAVITY_MS var radpersec = Math.PI; var radperms = radpersec/1000; if (client.controlState['w']) { model.dx += Math.sin(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; model.dy += Math.cos(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; } if (client.controlState['s']) { model.dx -= Math.sin(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; model.dy -= Math.cos(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; } if (client.controlState['a']) { model.dx -= Math.cos(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; model.dy += Math.sin(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; } if (client.controlState['d']) { model.dx += Math.cos(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; model.dy -= Math.sin(model.yaw)*walkthrust_ms*deltaT; } if (client.controlState['ArrowLeft']) model.yaw -= radperms*deltaT; if (client.controlState['ArrowRight']) model.yaw += radperms*deltaT; if (client.controlState['ArrowUp']) model.pitch -= radperms*deltaT; if (client.controlState['ArrowDown']) model.pitch += radperms*deltaT; if (client.controlState['j'] && Math.abs(model.z-1.8)<0.1) { = JUMP_VELOCITY; } } function applyDroneControlPhysics(client, model, deltaT) { const rotationSpeed = DRONE_SENSITIVITY_MS * deltaT; // 1 rad/s if (client.controlState['d']) model.droll -= rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['a']) model.droll += rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['s']) model.dpitch -= rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['w']) model.dpitch += rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['q']) model.dyaw -= rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['e']) model.dyaw += rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['ArrowLeft']) model.dyaw -= rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['ArrowRight']) model.dyaw += rotationSpeed; if (client.controlState['f']) { model.roll = model.pitch = 0; model.droll = model.dpitch = model.dyaw = 0; } if (client.controlState['g']) { model.dx = model.dy = = 0; model.roll = model.pitch = 0; model.droll = model.dpitch = model.dyaw = 0; } if (client.controlState['ArrowUp']) { model.propSpeed += PROP_CHANGE_PER_MS * deltaT; if (model.propSpeed > MAX_PROP_SPEED) model.propSpeed = MAX_PROP_SPEED; } if (client.controlState['ArrowDown']) { model.propSpeed -= PROP_CHANGE_PER_MS * deltaT; if (model.propSpeed < MIN_PROP_SPEED) model.propSpeed = MIN_PROP_SPEED; } } module.exports = {updateGameState };