
31 lines
1.1 KiB

% Main entry point
main() ->
{ok, Content} = file:read_file("input.txt"),
Lines = string:split(string:trim(Content), "\n", all),
{List1, List2} = lists:foldl(fun parse_line/2, {[], []}, Lines),
CountMap = build_count_map(List2),
SimilarityScore = calculate_similarity_score(List1, CountMap),
io:format("Result: ~p~n", [SimilarityScore]).
% Parse a single line into two integers and accumulate them into lists
parse_line(Line, {Acc1, Acc2}) ->
[Str1, Str2] = string:split(string:trim(Line), " ", all),
{Num1, _} = string:to_integer(Str1),
{Num2, _} = string:to_integer(Str2),
{[Num1 | Acc1], [Num2 | Acc2]}.
% Build a map of counts for elements in List2
build_count_map(List) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Elem, Acc) ->
maps:update_with(Elem, fun(Count) -> Count + 1 end, 1, Acc)
end, #{}, List).
% Calculate the total similarity score
calculate_similarity_score(List1, CountMap) ->
lists:foldl(fun(Elem, Acc) ->
Acc + Elem * maps:get(Elem, CountMap, 0)
end, 0, List1).